美國MTS/液壓高頻疲勞動態軸向扭轉萬能材料測試機 Bionix® Tabletop Test Systems
These servohydraulic test systems are designed to deliver performance, versatility and required accuracy to properly characterize the dynamic and static properties of an extreme range of biomedical materials and components. When combined with the wide range of grips, fixtures, and orthopaedic sub-systems they provide testing capabilities from static to complex kinematic studies of skeletal tissues and orthopaedic constructs.
美國MTS Bionix系列液壓高頻疲勞動態軸向扭轉萬能材料測試機提供生醫領域研究人員和測試所需要的動態和靜態測試,對於提高效率、可靠度和材料和部件的性能至關重要。敏銳的MTS系統給生醫領域一個快速,簡單的測試操作來進行準確的實驗,此高技術門檻的特製機種能夠完美達成極度嚴苛的測試條件且穩定耐用。