德國Wille/Conventional Triaxial Systems (Hoek-Cell)
This rock triaxial testing system is designed and manufactured to perform uniaxial and triaxial tests according to ASTM standards and suggested ISRM methods. The system includes a hydraulic loading frame with power pack and applies increasing load at a constant rate. This can be used to test various materials, from soft sandstone to high-strength rock or building materials.
In this configuration we use Hoek cells in different sizes for triaxial tests e.g. AX, BX and NX. Confining pressure (lateral) could be applied by an automatic pressure system or manual pumping system for economic setup. The modular constructed system can be configured with different load ranges, load frames, test jigs for different specimen diameters.
*High stiffness 4 column construction design
*Wall type construction is available for higher stiffness
*Different frame sizes and load ranges from up to 2,000 kN
*Cyclic loading on request
*Optional accessories for permeability testing
*Confining pressure generated by a semi-automatic pump or fully automatic pressure controller
*Dynamic high speed closed-looped control of load, displacement, position and volume or flow
*Flexible general controlling software for nearly unlimited test procedures of all uniaxial, triaxial and polyaxial test applications with pore pressure and permeability.
*Expandable real-time high resolution data acquisition and closed-loop control system
*Hoek cells available in different sizes e.g. X, AX, BX, NQ, NX and HQ
*Confining pressure up to 70 MPa (10 000 psi)
*Hydraulic power packs with high quality noise protection, emergency functions or cyclic test procedures
*Digital setting of PID parameters to test parameter optimisation and tuning
*Real time graphics software with zoom and freeze functions for printer output at any time
Different test packages:
1.Uniaxial compression test package
2.Direct tension test package
3.Indirect tensile backage (Brazilian Test)
4.Fracture toughness testing package
5.Point load testing package