
Rosand 毛細管流變儀系列

桌上型Rosand RH2000系統結合了大型落地式型號相關的先進功能,適合研發到品管控制的應用。落地型Rosand RH7和RH10堅固的"H"型框架設計,允許在超高負載條件下執行測試,並為多種附件配置提供優化的空間。數位控制系統賦予RH7和RH10在速度控制、精度和動態操作範圍方面,展現高超性能。

    Rosand RH2000

    Bench top capillary rheometer for research to QC testing.

    Compact system capable of meeting most test requirements encountered in capillary rheometry. Combining many advanced features associated with larger floor-standing models, the Rosand RH2000 system can be configured for research measurements through to Quality Control applications.




    Rosand RH7/10

    Robust research capillary rheometers for high force conditions.

    Used in hundreds of research laboratories around the world, the robust ‘H’ frame design of Rosand RH7 and RH10 floor standing capillary rheometers allows operation under ultra-high loading conditions, as well as providing optimized space for multiple accessory configurations.