ClimeEvent 高變率溫(濕)度循環篩選櫃
德國Weiss ClimeEvent系列高變率溫溼度循環篩選櫃是基於標準的溫濕度循環試驗櫃加大其加熱、降溫與空氣循環量等能力,加速溫度變化率以達到加速篩選的目的。內容積從270公升到3600公升多種試驗空間可供選擇。
Seasonal differences, different climatic zones – your products must be able to withstand a variety of temperatures during manufacturing, transport, storage and use. The Climate Test Chambers ClimeEvent of the weisstechnik® and vötschtechnik® brands will help you to test the influence of temperature and humidity on the properties, function and lifespan of your products. Reproducible, certified and under accelerated conditions.
ClimeEvent climate test chamber, the world first from weisstechnik®, is setting standards in the fields of performance, future-proofing and usability. A new refrigerant that deceeds tomorrow's standards already today ensures high future-proofness, making ClimeEvent extremely eco- and user-friendly. Optimised air guidance delivers best-in-class performance. The innovative WEBSeason® user interface allows you to program, control and monitor your tests at any time and anywhere – even from your tablet or smartphone.
Overview of customer benefits:
• New, eco-friendly refrigerant R449A
• Optimised airflow and temperature distribution
• WEBSeason® web-based user interface