德國Wille/Conventional Triaxial Systems
This series of conventional triaxial testing systems include of closed-loop controlled load frame, hand operated or automatic pressure controlling units, volume measuring, controlling and data acquisition system with related transducers and different software solutions.
The test devices are suitable for standard triaxial tests, isotropic or anisotropic consolidation.
These configurations are ideal for educational and commercial purposes.
1.Standard triaxial tests:
*Consolidated – Drained (CD)
*Consolidated – Undrained (CU)
*Unconsolidated – Undrained (UU)
2.Commercial price
3.Strain, stress and position closed-loop controlled load frame
4.User defined test procedures with GEOsys software
5.Isotropic and anisotropic consolidation
6.Unconfined compression tests
7.Several upgrading features:
*K0 Consolidation test (upgrade)
*Unsaturated soil testing (upgrade)
*Bender element tests (upgrade)
*Permeability tests (upgrade)
*Swelling and swelling pressure test (upgrade)