美國MTS/Modular Components for Aerospace Test Applications
Create tightly integrated yet cost-efficient aerospace component, sub-system and structural test stands that can be easily reconfigured to meet evolving requirements. Precision-engineered to the highest quality and designed for seamless integration, modular MTS test system components are the same as those used in the most advanced MTS custom, turnkey rigs.
當在發展更進一步產品設計週期時,許多複雜的重要結構需要使用MTS廣博精密的工具以建置高品質的零組件次結構測試數據-例如機身、推進系統等。並且提供一系列功能很強的操控系統及應用軟體,讓您很容易可進行下列零組件次結構的分析機身 (Flight control surfaces、Substructure、Landing gear、Satellite and space system components、Flight control systems、Propulsion system components、Helicopter components、Aircraft fasteners and fastened substructures) 推進系統 (Engine mounts、shafts、fan blades and disks、Fairings、shrouds、nacelles、and thrust reversers、Helicopter blades and rotors、Rocket motor components)。